Saturday, September 27, 2008


I think that i am the one who always over act things~~maybe that person just wannna have some space for us to be with ourselves, as we cannot be together seen by other people...but..actually, i don't mind if we do not contact or whatsoever, as long as i still do have the heart and that person know that i'm in love with that person...

well...i aspect more from that person, but things just come i have to let that person go by its flow...

I'm Gonna Miss That person...

That person is going back to my favourite place to be...

eating Like Hell~~but still i lost some weight~~


♥ Lady Mae ♥ said...

eat like hell ka????
astaga... bulan posa nie zar... kui3x

- a z h a r F e y T - said...

hahahah...jan ko menhina sana kedoTT!!!
baru ko memview page aku ae!!

Ajimi said...

patutla betamba keciilll

banyaaknyer makanan :)

jemput ke rumah terbuka saya ya (12 hb ni)

- a z h a r F e y T - said...

masak sedap2 untok saya!!!

♥ Lady Mae ♥ said...

wahhh..saya pon mau ba...
wahh...c kedot nie makan laik kerjanya..,
hehe..nda pa...
hidup utk makan...erk~
salah..makan utk hidup..
jan ko silap falsafah c cumel ku saturang nieeeee~